How We Grew our Blog from Zero Profit to $2,000 Profit in 3 Days EBook

Make your blog profitable Ebook Pop Shop America

You guys, it wasn’t an easy decision to quit hosting our bi-annual pop up festival – Pop Shop Houston Festival. It was one of the biggest challenges of my life.

It felt like pulling the rug out from underneath ourselves.

When I first made the decision, I cried in the fetal position for 2 months straight. I thought I was going slowly out of business. I thought in a couple of months, I won’t be able to afford my staff. And with no staff there would be no workshops – especially Workshops for Private Groups – one of our most profitable items. I was scared.

But now that’s it’s been a little over 6 months, I couldn’t be happier. I am so grateful I took this leap of faith. It’s so important for every business to pivot and to do what works. Whatever you do; don’t get stuck when it’s not working. That’s the quickest way to go out of business. By changing, I saved my business. We’re stronger than ever and we’re more profitable than ever!

One of the first things I did when making this pivot is I looked at all of the things I already had. I needed to increase their profitability fast. Our website was already drawing a ton of traffic. But I was putting all that traffic into one main thing: the festival.

All these DIYs, this SEO, these Business Blogs for the Makers I was working with were intended to support the festival itself. I was always thinking about user experience and driving our web traffic to the festival pages. But I wasn’t thinking about the profitability of those individual pages.

And over the last year, the website outgrew the festival. Most of our readers are not in Houston. Most of our readers are not interested in attending an event like this. The bottom line is that your website, whether it’s a blog or online shop, is more scalable than just about anything else you can do. That’s an important lesson to learn: stick to what is the most profitable and the most scalable. Always focus your attention there.

That’s why we pivoted. The first thing I did, was for almost a week straight, was go through what I already had and find new ways to make it profitable. This Ebook outlines those steps.

It talks about running ads and working with ad networks. It talks about Affiliate Links, Sponsored Blogs, and all kinds of great info about how to increase your profitability fast.

What do you need to use this Ebook? All you need is a blog that already has a decent amount of traffic. I would say this Ebook will be helpful as long as you have 15,000 page views per month. You can download this Ebook here for free.

If you don’t have enough page views to use these tools, check out this blog post. It outlines lots of different Social Media Networks that are outside the main few and can be awesome tools to growing your traffic.

The most important tool you need for growing your traffic or for maintaining traffic at any size is Email marketing. If Email marketing is not the cornerstone of your social strategy, you need to stop what you are doing right now and change your game! Here’s a great Ebook about Email Marketing.

And happy business growing! You’ve got this!

Let’s Stay Friends!

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2 thoughts on “How We Grew our Blog from Zero Profit to $2,000 Profit in 3 Days EBook

  1. Paul Davis says:

    Brittany, this is so inspiring! I have been doing a little of this, and a little of that for 6 years. This year has been the pivot for my family and my business, including a move to Cairo, Egypt from the US. It is inspiring to hear from business owners who took a similar plunge and came ahead!

    • Brittany Bly says:

      Paul, that makes me so happy to hear. With any blog there is always a blend of selling your own products, ads, sponsored campaigns, or education. Everyone does it differently and there are lots of successful formulas that just require some hard work and dedication.

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